CONTEXT, the international network of experts in advanced textile materials, gathered more than 60 experts from 33 countries in Ljubljana on January 29th and 30th to participate at annual management committee meeting and the third working groups meetings.
The meetings were hosted by the University of Ljubljana and organized by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering.

On the 29th, the six working groups that integrate the network had their meeting. Those are: WG1: Healthacare & Medicine, WG2: Automotive and Aeronautics, WG3: Personal Protection Equipment, WG4: Building and Living, WG5: Sports and Wearables, and WG6: Dissemination and Communication. This was the 3rd meeting of the working groups, which met first in Barcelona (January’19) and later, each WG had its second meeting in a different location and time.
Each of the working groups brought together representatives from academia, research, industry and users. The main goal of these meetings was to set specific collaborative activities between the WG members, such as writing articles, prepare project proposals, etc.

After the meetings, the participants gathered at Ljubljana town hall for a dedicated reception for CONTEXT members followed by a joint dinner.
On the morning of January 30th, the Management Committee of CONTEXT met at the Rectorate building of University of Ljubljana to debate about the major work lines of the network, to review the activities organized during the first year and to define main activities for the next period.
Major activities conducted by the network over the last 15 months are: organization of an international conference in Barcelona, organization of a training school, launch of 5 calls for STSMs (Short-term scientific missions) with 15 grants awarded, launch of 3 calls for the participation at international conferences with 3 grants awarded, organization of 3 thematic workshops and presentation of the network in several international events.
The next event of CONTEXT will take place in Weimar (Germany), from April 27th to 29th; the Inmotion 2020 conference.