CONTEXT gathered more than 25 experts from 16 countries in Ghent (Belgium) on March 21st and 22nd to participate at the annual Management Committee meeting and the working groups meetings.
On the 21st in the morning, some members visited the facilities of the technological center Centexbel, located in Ghent.
In the afternoon four of the working groups that integrate the network had their meeting. Those are: WG1: Healthcare & Medicine, WG2: Automotive and Aeronautics, WG3: Personal Protection Equipment and WG4: Building and Living.
Each of the working groups brings together representatives from academia, research, industry and users. The main goal of these meetings was to set specific collaborative activities among the WG members, such as writing articles, prepare joint project proposals, etc.
After the meetings, the attendants participated at a joint dinner.
On the morning of March 22nd, the Management Committee of CONTEXT met to debate about the major work lines of the network, to review the activities organized during the last year and to define main activities for the coming months.